Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Mystical Forest

I live in the midst of a mystical forest, my backyard is a very special place filled with old towering trees that hold messages and memories. Majestic in height, they keep darkened private places, yet allow the light to stream through in various spots shining warmth, grace and future possibilities.

The trees like wizards frozen in time, their branches like long beards swaying gently in the wind, whisper their visions. I visit these wizened wizards that grow here often. At one time I resented them as an intrusion, now I seek their wisdom and comfort.

They speak of many things, for some time now they have spoken of the Portal. A wisdom gate uniting dimensions. Through hushed voices accompanied by nuances of light dancing through their leaves, I came to truly see and recognize the power that this space evokes. It has since become home to the of the Angel Of Grace, a statue lives there now bathed in flowers. At any time of day, the light joyfully casts itself upon this reminder of Grace given, flowing through all dimensions here. Each morning I'm urged to greet this space gratefully with open mind and heart to edit the past, invoke the future and adore the present.

I invite you to come and visit, if only in your mind's eye and travel to your other dimensions. Meet your other selves as I do mine. Those aspects of yourself glimpsed here and there, bleed-throughs from the selves that made a different choice. Discover those other aspects experiences and wisdom and integrate them with your own. Listen carefully to what they tell you and return with the knowing of your own power.

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