Monday, December 8, 2008


We come with glad tidings of News appropriate to your love of self. Much ado is made about love of others and the sacrifice of new birth that you commemorate in your world this Season. Yet we come speaking differently, with reminders of love....of yourselves.

Others will tell you to give to others in this Season of Revival of birth, but we tell you to remember to love deeply who you are. Invest yourselves as well in learning what most deeply brings you peace, brings you joy, brings you meaning, and spend time, even small bits of time doing such things as often as possible, with the intention of showing love for yourselves.

When you are tempted to put yourselves in way of harm such as imbibing those things you may have sworn off of such as richness of food or drink not desired, ask yourself - "is this a loving act toward myself"? When feeling angry, disappointed or frustrated with another or a situation and about to lash out, ask within - "how will I feel towards myself after I blow this steam outward, will I feel loving toward myself"?

When you stop in the moment and ask yourself - "is this love, does this feel loving...for me, much does change. Part of that change becomes more love displayed toward others also, yet this is not the reason we suggest it.

We suggest this little bit of selfishness, this love of self first, and then others, so that you will not be depleted. The well of love from which others drink is filled from within first. You cannot take a teaspoon to the well and then serve a thirsty man a cup of water.

You begin by quenching your own thirst first, by bringing the biggest vessel you can to love's Source and drinking deeply. No more teaspoons, not even cups, we say, begin with a few gallon jugs, then graduate to larger and larger containers that you fill yourselves up to the brim with self-love. Then you may serve a thirsty world.

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