Thursday, September 27, 2007

Conscious Creation

I've always been interested in conscious creation, even before it had a name. I noticed that it seemed some people managed to create more of what they wanted then others, they made it seem easy. Though I can't tell you that I manage to do it as well as some, I've come to a point where the process isn't so mystifying and I've actually created a lot of what I wanted. I've also created some of what I didn't want. I came to realize that I was always creating, consciously on purpose, or not.

To create consciously we first must learn to focus our attention, much of the time our attention isn't focused on what we want, truth be told, most of the time our attention isn't focused at all. It wanders randomly so instead of creating what we want, we create by default.

Without the ability to focus our attention on what we want, we can't utilize tools such as visualization or affirmation effectively. If we don't direct our focus how can we direct our beliefs and the feelings we need to generate to enact a positive outcome?

If our attention isn't focused on what we want we're susceptible to absorbing the energetic desires and beliefs of those around us, even strangers. For this reason first, it's helpful to be mindful of where we allow our attention to be directed. Where are we unconsciously putting our attention and leaking energy focus? Do you spend lots of time wandering through shopping malls among crowds of people, read most of the billboards on the highway, incessantly check your email watch a lot of t.v. especially the news? My weakness is the email thing!

We can hone our focusing skills by deliberately directing our attention in a specific way. Although at first it may seem as though we're off course when we focus on something simple, it's a valuable disciplinary practice. In Taoism, monks used similar mundane exercises to empower themselves to achieve some amazing feats. For instance, when entering a room force yourself to observe the number of chairs, tables, light fixtures, windows, count them. How many pictures are on the wall? How many people in the room? You can make up your own variations, but do it for ten minutes a day for thirty days and you'll be surprised at the results.

Although you may feel silly, it forces you to deliberately direct your attention, once proficient you can then focus your attention on those things you truly want to create.

Let me know if you have any techniques that have worked for you that you might want to share.


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