Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace has always been one of my favorite hymns. Hmmm, wonder why they call them "hymns", and not "hers". Anyway, I wasn't exposed to this hymn as a child but when I heard it for the first time I was mesmerized, I still can't listen to it without tears welling up.

I was recently thinking about grace in my life and realized that many people have come into my life as instruments of grace. Some of them have stayed, some have not, yet they all in their own unique way have taught me something about love. Sometimes not in the way I would have preferred.

Still it has been grace, it has caused me to grow and to expand. I wanted to honor all of them, so thought about listing their names on my site. But that could create issues, some might feel slighted if their name didn't appear listed. I thought about offering to add the names of any I may have overlooked, but I might run out of space.

Originally, I thought I would have two catagories, those currently active in my life and a generalized notation of those that I appreciated though they were not currently active. I've since decided that could potentially open up a Pandora's Box, so I left that box unopened.

I'm still not sure if I'll put up some form of Amazing Grace List on my site, maybe someday I'll come up with an improved version. For now, I'll leave it for this blog to honor the Amazing Grace in my life.

I say that in present tense because whether or not you are here in my life now or you were just passing through, please know that I honor you now. For me you remain present as Amazing Grace in my life. No know who you are.

Thanks and Gratitude,
Christie Pennington


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