If we approach our desires from a standpoint of lack, by forcing and clutching to grab our desires from outside of us. Believing we don’t have them within us, we invoke struggle. Struggle often doesn’t result in achieving our desired outcome. Coming from a position of lack causes us to look outside ourselves instead of within.
Our attitude and belief must be one of spreading, expanding, flowing from our inner reserves into the outer world, not trying to capture something we don’t have from out there, to bring it into us to fill up our reservoir. Like attracts like. A wise teacher once said that “to those who have, more will be given”. I found that very confusing for a long time. It came around again in a song “them that’s got shall have, them that’s not shall lose”, I still didn’t get it. What’s difficult for us to get about this is that we can’t see what’s already there within us. We don’t see the evidence of it in the physical so we assume it doesn’t yet exist. We want to see it first and believe it later.
I believe that one of the services that Angels provide is to remind us that “it’s all inside”. You don’t need to share my belief in Angels to believe this to be true. You can call it what you want, your inner voice, your intuition, whatever the term, there is that something that does prompt us, if we’re listening. They/It whisper that the attributes we desire in our lives are already there within us, waiting to flow outward. To be let loose to flow out into our lives and then back to us abundantly in much the same way a fountain operates.
This harkens back to the “being, doing, having” concept which is invaluable. I don’t know about you but I’ve spent a great portion of my life looking outside to acquire fulfillment of my desires. The “having” always seemed to dictate the “being”. The “having” was then achieved by the “doing”, according to the world's standards.
We can’t simply paste on a “being” in the way that children once dressed paper dolls. When we try to force a new self-image onto our personality this is exactly the same process. Pretending isn’t “being”, what’s missing here is the soul. The soul is the “being” aspect. It already contains what we desire, we don’t need to pretend. So the being aspect comes from our remembering our soul nature and emanating from that part of us. This isn’t pretending because the soul is always in connection with The Light and contains all the attributes of the Light.
Our soul already contains the love, wisdom, peace, power and prosperity we desire. This is where the flow originates. Then as it flows from this inner reserve out into the world, it returns to us showering us with all abundance.
Flowing abundance and love......Christie
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