Have you noticed that it seems easier to imagine negative events bordering on the bizarre as possibilities in our lives than it does positive ones? It was for me, for much of my life. Outrageously positive events were not the substance of my daydreams, they seemed so unlikely, even impossible. Yet, fortunately it came to me that it's as likely for those outrageously positive events to occur as the negative, just by the law of averages. If we give credence to the negative possibility, then the positive tendency must also exist.
But that still means there's as much opportunity for the negative as the positive. Maybe that's why some of us don't delve into the really good stuff when we visualize, we're subconsciously thinking that if we go to excess in the positive, if it doesn't work, we may end up with an excess of the negative....so better to just stay safe and not ask for, visualize or otherwise conjure up anything to wonderful.
It sounds silly, but I know this was somehow implicit in my process for a long time and I'm thinking it may be for others unconsciously as well. So how to tip the scales in the positive favor with no fear of the down side?
There's lots of methods out there, we all know about visualization, affirmation, "The Secret". I've decided to try another method that feels really good to me right now. It has to do with alternate realities. I'm not an authority on quantum physics but I know enough to understand that there is a strong argument for the existence of an alternate reality. Living in more than one dimension. It's a bit egotistical to think, ours is the only one. There are a myriad of realities. Many that exist here on the planet and then the ones that exist elsewhere. I'm betting, that with all those choices, there's at least one of them within which, life holds outrageously, bizarrely, wonderful experiences. I've decided to shift, lean slightly off my usual center into that frequency of reality and experience there....while here.
By consciously questioning my thought patterns while awake, programming myself before sleep and generally altering my thought patterns and behavior I believe I can experience quite differently. I've already noticed some synchronicities popping up and overall a new fresher awareness and well being and it's not even Wednesday, definitely not Friday.
If anyone else has played with this, I'd enjoy hearing your experiences, I'll let you know how it's working for me, stay tuned.
Leaning into new frequencies......Christie
1 comment:
Oh yes Christie, I have been living a double life for a while. i am certain that I work on repairing the chrystalline grid most nights, and have the distinct impression of swimming through stardust just before waking. I have lived out positive outcomes in my 'imagination" since a child, but also discounted them as delusions of grandeur and have not shared them with others. For most of my life I have asserted that there is a better way, that we always have a choice. that our biggest sources of misery are the outcomes of human arrangements. I also have encountered plenty of heartbreak and disappointment in life. this topic fascinates me, also your channelling about time, yeah, it's not when but where in the universe we are that creates our experiences.
Synchronicity? my name is christina
but I call myself Chrysalis these days. Much love
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