Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Heart's Desire

If asked their heart's desire, many people have a ready list of replies. But do we really know our true heart's desire? Our heart's desire is to know our connection to the Divine, to connect with our spiritual essence.

Our heart's desire is our heart's truth. Living this truth fulfills us. Living in harmony with this resonance, this spiritual integrity, allows us to be, create and discover the good in everything. We flow with life, instead of pushing against it.

The glamorized version of heart's desire is our competitive agendas, our accumulation of things, our drive for success and accomplishment. Beneath such an inauthentic version lies the hunger for a deeper truth. This is why when we do achieve any or all of these; it never feels like enough, it never fills us.

If we allow our hearts to speak, and we truly listen, we hear our truth and this becomes our prayer.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Have You Discovered Your Purpose?

People often come to The Lightspeakers or the Angels through me, to question their life purpose. They believe that if they discover their one over- riding purpose they will find their joy. The answer that has been offered to them, though specific in each individual case, has a similar basis. Their purpose is discovered from moment to moment. We each have timelines we exist within. At different points on our journey, we really do have different purposes. As we grow and evolve, so does our purpose, but we lose track of this, in the moment purpose, if we are busy searching for one major all important destiny.
We've already discovered our destiny. Our over-riding purpose in being here is to learn to love through limitation. Our mission at different purpose points along the way, is to infuse that particular purpose at that particular place in our journey with as much love as we can

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Energy Sensitivity

I'm becoming more and more sensitive to energy lately. Things that were once tolerable are now setting off alarms like never before. I've always been sensitive to energy. Once I began channeling, certain smells became repugnant to me. I was less and less able to withstand crowds because of the onslaught of so many varied energies assaulting my subtle bodies at once. Antique stores which I love to visit became really difficult. Honestly, I could hear the whispers from all who had once been attached energetically to their pieces of furniture and collectibles. There was sadness and joy, anger and love coming through me. It became very overwhelming at times.

Lately the sensitivity has increased. If I'm not in alignment with my higher good in my thoughts, emotions or behavior, I find myself immediately feeling "off". If I try to make things happen by force of will, things seem to stubbornly come to a standstill, the flow is interrupted, nothing moves. I've learned to recognize those times when I'm trying to force things , either because I want to make something happen, or because it's something that must be done, an obligation. I find if I wait till I feel myself flowing toward and not away from the desire or responsibility, things work out much better and with more ease.

As I've been transforming by my own request, there seems to be less "in between" spaces. I'm either in alignment or I'm not. I've become my own thermometer of sorts. Though it can be helpful much of the time to hold this type of awareness, there are also times when this is quite challenging. As one wave ends and we breathe a sigh of relief, another wave thrashes onto our inner shoreline and we're faced with further discomfort, as we continue to evolve to a higher state of being.

Like everyone else experiencing these mini-tidal waves that seem to rage within, I sometimes wonder if the movement to embody a higher more sacred space is worth it. Yet within the wondering, there is always the steadfast knowing that it is. There really is no turning back, because within the storm lies such great beauty and promise. The wind and rain cleansing what no longer serves, brings calm, the sky clears and dawn breaks upon the horizon. It is a time of miracles for all of us. Turning my face to the clouds, I'm thankful to be a part of this.

Fear & Mediocrity

Mediocrity is the result of acceding to fear. All of us have the potential for greatness in some shape or form but it dies while on the vine when we refuse to pluck the blossom of possibility.

Fear masquerades as hatred, complacency, at times, anger or resignation. We are not intrinsically creatures of such fear, it is learned behavior, and as such, may be unlearned.

We can choose to recognize our own and others strengths, we can diminish fear by not focusing on our limitations. We can honor our greatness without apology and assist others to do the same. There are truly no mediocre people, only those who have allowed their dreams to die. Please believe in your dreams and recognize your grandeur.